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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Really, another list?

Two months have flown by, and again no writing to speak of...and a sentence almost ended in a preposition! My Bad.

I was having a conversation with my Mother recently, and this notion formed - why, if life is just one change after another, is it so hard for most of us to deal with things not staying the same? And I felt a truth emerge from that - perhaps that is the meaning behind our physical (human) experience; to learn to handle change so we can continue evolving.

And this morning in the shower a whole idea for a book formed from that insight; an enclave of spiritual beings selecting their 'human experience' from a menu of emotions that are based on a physical experience. Beings that are so far removed from what we experience on a daily basis that to them famine & gluttony along with pain & ecstasy are just a means to an end; to feel something. They are just a menu choice for their birth into the physical world where 'feeling' is possible.  Evolution having taken them to a place that was small instead of infinite, they use travelling to a physical world through 'birth' to learn about change before becoming extinct through ... apathy. Of course there will need to be some sense of looming disaster to lend expediency into the mix and form a story line.  Maybe someday the book will be written. In the meantime I can just keep living the experience and taking notes.

I also noticed this morning that taking a shower should not be so exhausting for the average healthy bear! So, as with many in the world this January I have what I hope are some resolutions to act upon as opposed to good intentions that tend to lie stagnant.

     1. Quit lying to myself; I've been eating horribly for months, not days.
     2. Live what I preach; eat mostly plants for energy and health.
     3. Do more of what makes me feel good (cook & write) and throw fewer pity parties with evil Mr. Sugar.
     4. Move! Stretch, Ride, Shoot, Smile.

And so the year begins.

1 comment:

Always Yoga said...

Wow Vail,
Thanks for sharing this with me....I know that all things happen for a reason, and that ours is not to question, but rather accept. Seems easy, but boy howdy its sure rough. I do feel what you feel, your highs and your lows. Guess we are Soul Mates and just a meant to be thing. I am adding this to my favs so I can come and look again.